Topics of the conference
- How do images of socialism (if we use the emic term for the Communist dictatorship period) get communicated by the eye-witnesses as part of their biographies?
- Current representations of the Communist past and transformation of the individual memory of the Communist past
- How did the life under Communist regimes influence the values and attitudes of the witnesses?
- How are representations/recollections on Socialism transmitted to the younger generation (children, grandchildren)?
- How do the (grand)children generation deal with the experiences of their (grand)parents?
- In what ways family/social memory and cultural memory connected and related? A. Assmann, Shadows of Trauma: Memory and the Politics of Postwar Identity (New York: Fordham University Press, 2016).
- How are images of the Communist period shared in contemporary cultural memory and political discourse in Central and East European countries (in school curricula, literature, and theatre as well as documentary films, movies, museum exhibitions, memory policy)?
- What are the challenging methodological and ethical questions pertaining to the research focused on the Socialist past of the country?
- We would like to invite colleagues to share their expertise as well as present the possible questions or challenges of their work.
Submission deadline: the end of May 2020
Each paper proposal should include a title and abstract (up to 300 words) and short bio (max. 300 words). All proposals should be submitted by email to:
Applicants will be informed by end of June 2020 regarding inclusion in the conference program.
Chosen conference papers will be published in a monothematic volume of Slovak Ethnology 1/2021, in English and in the Journal of Nationalism, Memory and Language Politics 1/2021, in English
The final date for papers: 15th October 2020