Evaluation of the Year 2024 at the Institutional Meeting at Inklucentrum in Bratislava

The beginning of the year is traditionally a time for reflection and reviewing the past year. At our institute, we continued this tradition by evaluating the publication successes of the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v. v. i., through brief presentations of monographs, edited books, and other significant outputs from the past year.
The meeting was opened by the institute’s director, Tatiana Zachar Podolinská, with a presentation on the institute in numbers (reflecting on developments since 2020) and key milestones expected in 2025. In the following presentation blocks, colleagues from all academic generations introduced their publication outputs. A list of all presented publications and outputs is included in the attached meeting program (in Slovak) HERE.
Picture 1: Peter Salner (© T. Z. Podolinská)
Picture 1: Monika Vrzgulová (© T. Z. Podolinská)
Picture 3: Juraj Majo (© T. Z. Podolinská)
Picture 4: Tatiana Zachar Podolinská (© J. Majo)
Picture 5: Daniela Škobla (© T. Z. Podolinská)
Picture 6: Kristína Cichová and Natália Slivková (© T. Z. Podolinská)
Picture 7: Jaroslava Panáková and Andrej Gogora (© T. Z. Podolinská)
Picture 8: Andrej Belák (© T. Z. Podolinská)
Picture 9: Peter Nuska (© T. Z. Podolinská)