Letter of Acknowledgment to the President of the Gypsy Lore Society, Dr. Tatiana Zachar Podolinská

On the occasion of the organization of the international Gypsy Lore Society conference in September 2024, in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, Vice President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Evdokia Pasheva, sent a letter of acknowledgement and greetings to the chairwoman of the Gypsy Lore Society, Dr. Tatiana Zachar Podolinská, as well as to all participants of this international conference.
In the letter, she thanked the organizers — the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies and the Ethnographic Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences — and emphasized the importance of the contributions made at the conference as well as in the Romani Studies journal for fostering better understanding, acceptance, and, last but not least, the integration of the Roma people in societies around the world.