Analysis of Barriers in Access to Employment for Marginalized Groups of Population: Selected regions of Slovakia in socio-economic, geographic and socio-anthropological perspective
Grant scheme: APVV
Project no.: APVV-17-0141
Coordinating institution:
Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS
Principal investigator: Mgr. Daniel Škobla, PhD.
Project members from SAS: Ondrej Ficeri, Richard Filčák, Tomáš Hrustič, Martina Chrančoková, Tatiana Zachar Podolinská
Partner Institution: UKF Nitra, UK BA, CSPV SAV
Other project members: Rochovská Alena Mgr. PhD., Horňák Marcel Mgr. PhD., Ondoš Slavomír Mgr. PhD., Rusnáková Jurina Mgr. PhD., Čerešníková Miroslava PhDr. PhD., Rosinský Rastislav doc. PhD., Szakács Robert Mgr.
Duration of the project: 2018-2022
The main goal of the project is to define the causality between the spatial localization, including the infrastructure conditions of settlements of marginalized Roma communities, with the spatial localization of job opportunities. The specific goal of the project is to identify 1. conditions in the segment of the marginalized Roma population in selected three territories in disadvantaged regions, including the qualification profile, 2. location and structure of available job opportunities in the same territories. Part of the project’s outputs is a proposal for measures to support marginalized groups in disadvantaged regions to the labor market.