Social probe of Ukrainian refugees in Slovakia
Grant scheme: SAV
Project ID: SAV-AV ČR/2023/692/UKR
Title: Social probe of Ukrainian refugees in Slovakia
Acronym: UKR
Project duration: 1.9.2023 – 31.12.2024
Principal investigators: Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS, Centre for Social and Psychological Sciences SAS, Institute for Research of Social Communication SAS, Institute for Sociology SAS
Partner Institution: Czech Academy of Sciences
Project leader in IESA SAV: Mgr. Martina Wilsch, PhD.
Financial manager in IESA SAV: Mgr. Branislava Kolesárová
Description of the Project:
The project, in collaboration with the Sociological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, aims to explore the experiences of Ukrainian refugees who were displaced to Slovakia in the context of the conflict in Ukraine and their integration into Slovak society, using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research, conducted through focus groups, will provide a deeper understanding of the migration experiences of specific male and female migrants, depending on their specific life contexts. A quantitative survey will allow us to map the patterns of these experiences in a broader sample of migrants and to identify specific variables that underlie these experiences. The project’s output will be a report on the research results in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.