A good place to live: Villages of the year in Slovakia
- LUTHER, Daniel, ed.: Dobré miesto pre život: Dediny roka na Slovensku. 1.vyd. Bratislava: Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, Marenčin PT, spol. s r. o., Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici. 2021., 270 s., ISBN 978-80-224-1916-1.
The Villages of the Year project is part of the Village Renewal Program of the Slovak Ministry of the Environment, the aim of which is to support rural communities in their activities to harmoniously develop their environment. Using a sample of the successful villages of Soblahov, Hrušov, Vlachovo, Liptovská Teplička, Dobrá Niva, Oravská Lesná, Malé Dvorníky and Spišský Hrhov, the author’s team analyzed the positive principles of sustainability and development of the rural way of life and the quality of life in it.
The publication makes available the knowledge obtained through the project APVV-16-0113 Socio-cultural capital of successful municipalities as a source of sustainable development of the Slovak countryside. The project was focused on research, analysis and interpretation of the use of the social and cultural potential of eight successful Slovak municipalities, holders of the title Village of the Year. The research results can be a source of inspiration for improving the quality of life in the rural environment in Slovakia. The starting point was the analysis of local activities in the economic, environmental, social and cultural fields (also from the perspective of cultural heritage). The final output is a comparative interpretation of the positives (and negatives) of local human and cultural resources. The ambition of the publication is to highlight the sustainability of the rural way of life and innovative forms of rural management and socio-cultural activities.
way of life; the countryside; cultural traditions; cultural heritage