Hodnotenie Národného projektu Podpora a zvyšovanie kvality terénnej sociálnej práce „NP TSP II“

- POLAČKOVÁ, Zuzana - DOKUPILOVÁ, Dušana - ŠKOBLA, Daniel. Hodnotenie Národného projektu Podpora a zvyšovanie kvality terénnej sociálnej práce „NP TSP II“. Recenzenti: Jakob Hurrle, Daniel Gerbery. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Implementačná agentúra Ministerstva práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky, 2024. 147 s.
The publication presents research results that evaluate the National Project Support and Improvement of the Quality of Field Social Work, which was implemented in Slovakia between 2019 and 2023. The project, carried out in municipalities and cities across Slovakia through teams of field social workers, aimed at preventing social exclusion and mitigating the effects of poor social conditions caused by poverty and social exclusion, primarily within Roma communities.
The main objectives of the research were to justify the need for fieldwork and its integration into the social policy system, assess the impact of the project on various target groups, and collect a set of data necessary for evaluating the project’s impact. The research methodology was based on a combination of two types of analysis: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative analysis relied on statistical analysis of socio-economic data and survey research. The qualitative analysis utilized findings obtained through field research combined with ethnographic observation and in-depth interviews. The combination of these two types of analysis aimed to apply the broadest possible knowledge base necessary for objectivity and comprehensive evaluation.
Kľúčové slová:
field social work, evaluation, national project, Roma, Slovakia