Investigaciones antropológicas en la comunidad contemporánea de Uaxactún: Capítulo XXVII [Antropological Survey in Recent Community in Uaxactún: Chapter XXVII]

- PODOLINSKÁ, T. – ČISÁRIK, D. Investigaciones antropológicas en la comunidad contemporánea de Uaxactún: Capítulo XXVII [Antropological Survey in Recent Community in Uaxactún: Chapter XXVII]. In Nuevas Excavaciones en Uaxactun VII – Temporada 2014. M. Kováč, S. A. Najarro, T. Drápela (eds.). Bratislava : Centre for Mesoamerican Studies, Comenius University, Chronos, 2015, pp. 589-656. ISBN978-80-89027-43-9.
In 2015, T. Podolinská participated in the project APVV-0864-12 Maya Ritual and Astronomical Complex – Research, Conservation and Presentation of Slovak Discovery of World Importance (ASTRONOMAYA, 2014 – 2017) – focused on saving the world cultural heritage in the locality Uxactún in Guatemala. As a member of the project Dr. Podolinská has continued in the ethnographic and sociographic mapping of the locality. The data were published as a chapter in the monograph published in Spanish language.