Lutherans in Slovakia at the Crossroads – (Not Just) Demographic Basis for Currentand Future Church

- MAJO, Juraj. Evanjelici na Slovensku na križovatke : (nielen) demografické východiská súčasnej a budúcej cirkvi. Bratislava: Evanjelická cirkev augsburského vyznania na Slovensku v spolupráci s Ústavom etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v. v. i., 2024.
The publication is one of the first comprehensive demographic analyses of a specific church community in Slovakia, initiated from within the church itself. It evaluates fundamental and unique unpublished demographic indicators from national and internal church surveys covering a longer period. Primarily through a quantitative approach, it analyzes the current state at the level of individual church congregations and highlights regions with varying demographic dynamics.
The study focuses on indicators from population censuses, migration data, and church life dynamics (such as baptism rates, activities, etc.), aggregated at the lowest administrative units of the church. Ultimately, it can serve as a tool for identifying areas with different levels of viability and, consequently, potential for further development, stagnation, or decline. At the same time, it provides an in-depth insight into one of the most pressing issues currently facing the Lutheran Church in Slovakia (ECAV) —the demographic situation.
Lutherans in Slovakia, demographics, congregations, secularization, regional differences