The introduction and accompanying texts to the fifty ornamental compositions are an example of how to popularize the knowledge of ethnology about the traditional culture of Slovakia for the general public. Juraj Zajonc wrote the texts and collaborated on the selection of the embroidery patterns. Marta Ondrušková created the drawings. More information about the publication can be found HERE.
Painted embroidery. Coloring pages inspired by Slovak embroidery motifs.
- ZAJONC, Juraj – ONDRUŠKOVÁ, Marta: Maľované výšivky. Vymaľovanky inšpirované motívmi slovenských výšiviek. [Painted embroidery. Coloring pages inspired by Slovak embroidery motifs.] Bratislava: Slovart, 2016. 104 s. ISBN 978-80-556-20-978.
The main goal of the publication is to provide relaxation, but it also contains information about the forms of traditional Slovak embroidery in terms of motifs and the relationship between folk and stylistic art culture.