The Holocaust Memory around Us. The Years 1938-1945 in the Remembrance Culture
- SALNER, Peter (Ed.), VRZGULOVÁ, Monika. Holokaust okolo nás. Roky 1938-1945 v kultúrach spomínania. Bratislava: Marenčin PT, 2020, 240 s., ISBN 978-80-569-0744-3.
The authors focus on the images of the Holocaust in Slovakia in the social discourse. They analyse the changes in the remembrance process, especially in the period after 1989.
Peter Salner considers the forms of commemoration in the environment of the Jewish community; he monitors the process of creating places of memory by the majority and the policies of remembrance in Slovakia. Monika Vrzgulová follows the dynamics of the individual, group memory of the generation of experience (Holocaust survivors, Gentile eye-witnesses to the Holocaust), and the cultural memory of the country. She is rethinking how this historical period is presented by state officials, politicians, and other authorities to the public.
holocaust; Jewish community; state of war; memory; forms of remembering the Holocaust; biographical narratives; monuments and memorials