InovEduc – Innovative Methods in Education for Supporting Partnerships
Coordinating institution: Paneurópska vysoká škola n.o., Bratislava
Project member at the IESA SAS: Mgr. Ľubica Volanská, CSc.
Project no.: CBC01008
Grant scheme: Norway funds, SK08 cross-border cooperation
Partner institutions: Centrum pre európsku politiku v Bratislave, Carpathia Užhorod, Generálny konzulát SR v Užhorode, Zakarpatský inštitút postdiplomového pedagogického vzdelávania v Užhorode, Užhorodská národná univerzita, Evanjelická spojená škola v Prešove, Lingvistické gymnázium T.H. Ševčenka v Užhorode, Metodicko-pedagogické centrum Bratislava, Ústav etnológie SAV, Bratislava, Imsa Knowledge Company AS, Nórsko.
Duration of the project: 2015-2017
The project brings a unique fusion of interactive 3D models of historical, cultural, technical and natural monuments of Eastern Slovakia and Transcarpathian Ukraine and innovative learning approaches to improve historical and multicultural awareness in this border region. In the framework of this project is a presentation of 24 objects with the possibility of interactive viewing with applications of the most up-to-date imaging technology,inclusive of virtual and augmented reality.