The international conference of Romani studies
- 28.9.2022
- - 30.9.2022

The international conference of Romani studies and the Annual meeting of the members of the international association Gypsy Lore Society (GLS, established in 1888, UK) this year took place in Belgrade, Serbia (September 28–30, 2022).
The UESA SAS was represented by a group of experts from the field of Romani studies: Tatiana Zachar Podolinská, Daniel Škobla, Andrej Belák, Tomáš Tomáš Hrustič and PhD student Edita Rigová.
Zachar Podolinská was part of the preparatory Academic committee of the conference. As current president of the GLS society she led the Board of Directors, she presented an honorary premium for lifetime achievements to Dragoljub Ackovič on the grounds of the Serbian Parliament and she has also led the final meeting of all GLS society members, where she presented the activities of the committee for the past 2 years and the plans for the next period. She was revoted to be a president of GLS society for 2022-4 unanimously.
In her opening keynote speech at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, she addressed the role of science in the post-normal era and the need for a reflexive turn in Romani studies at the global level.
All experts from UESA SAS presented papers in the thematic panels of the conference. Their contributions met with a positive response and initiated vivid discussions within the audience.
Book of Abstracts: