Academy of Romani Studies (Akadémia rómskych štúdií)

From November 13 to 15, 2024, the traditional and well-established event, the Academy of Romani Studies, took place in Prague. The 9th edition was organized by our Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV, v.v.i) in cooperation with the Department of Romani Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague.
Supported by the projects POINT: Support for Internationalization at Charles University and APPV-22-0389 Research of Religiosity, Spirituality, and Non-Religiosity among Roma in Slovakia, the conference once again hosted researchers focused on Romani issues in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The event was opened by Helena Sedílková from Charles University in Prague and Tomáš Hrustič from UESA SAV. As part of the academy, presentations from our institute included contributions by:
Juraj Majo: Religiosity, Spirituality, and Non-Religiosity among Roma in Slovakia — the Reliroma Project (research design and initial findings).
Andrej Belák: Collaborative Production of Applied Data on Marginalized Roma: Practical and Ethical Dilemmas of an Anthropologist in Public Health Services. Tomáš Hrustič participated as a discussant in Lukáš L. Červinka’s presentation on the topic Exclusion of Roma from the Czech Political Community. On the first evening, a documentary film by Peter Nuska (Hopa Lide) was screened, followed by a discussion.
Picture 1: T. Hrustič and M. Sedílková during the academy’s opening (©J. Majo)
Picture 2: P. Nuska’s introduction to the documentary Hopa Lide (©J. Majo)
Picture 3: Screening of the documentary Hopa Lide (©J. Majo)
Picture 4: J. Majo during his presentation (©D. Škobla)
Picture 5: A. Belák during his presentation (©J. Majo)
Picture 6: T. Hrustič as a discussant with L. L. Červinka (©J. Majo)