IESA SAV has entered the DOAB database! (Directory of Open Access Books)

IESA SAS has been registered with DOAB from 1st March 2023 as a publisher of open-access books. Open Access publications published by the institute can now be added to the international DOAB database.
The DOAB Foundation is a non-profit founded by the OAPEN Foundation and OpenEdition, based in the National Library in The Hague. DOAB acts as a search service, indexing and providing access to high-quality peer-reviewed open-access books. Libraries can integrate the directory into their online catalogs, increasing the dissemination, visibility, and impact of Open Access publications.
DOAB has created quality criteria with European research participants so that readers can access quality works certified by the academic community in an open-access environment where constant vigilance is needed. IESA SAS’s efforts are to implement a policy of open access to research results (under the National Strategy for Open Science for the years 2021-2028 and the SAS Strategy 2030, from 2019). Making books freely available on the web is helpful if they are searchable, and DOAB’s primary goal is to increase the discoverability of these books.
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