The impact of relocated workplaces of secondary vocational schools on the social inclusion, employment and social mobility of Roma
Grant scheme: DoktoGrant
Project no.: APP0291
Coordinating institution:
Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v. v. i.
Principal investigator: Edita Rigová
Duration of the project: 1.1.2022-31.12.2022
The research focuses on the role of relocated workplaces of secondary vocational schools, established near segregated Roma settlements, in the context of the social inclusion of Roma in Slovakia. The policy of establishing relocated schools in close proximity to Roma settlements responds to the low level of education achieved by the Roma minority in order to facilitate the access of the marginalized Roma population to professional education. The supposedly inclusive policy has its opponents from the ranks of activists and experts in the field of education, because in practice it can strengthen the isolation and segregation of young marginalized Romani men and women who already live in social exclusion. The number of relocated schools has increased over the last period, despite the fact that the Slovak government has not yet evaluated this policy. Its impact on social integration and integration on the labor market is therefore unknown. Since research on this phenomenon is absent in our conditions, this research will represent a significant scientific contribution. The research will examine the impact of the policy of establishing relocated workplaces of secondary vocational schools on the social exclusion and social mobility of young Roma, while the purpose is also to deepen knowledge in connection with the patterns of Roma marginalization in Slovakia.