
Brill Vol1
Shakir M. Pashov. History of the Gypsies in Bulgaria and Europe: Roma
10181211prach alebo popol
Prach alebo popol: Kremácia v židovskej komunite na Slovensku z pohľadu etnológie
obalka Bavilo.
Bavilo ma byť etnografkou
09250825obal Story of Cohesion
Story of Cohesion: On the History of an Academic Institution
obal The Divided.
The Divided, Yet Together: Borders in Oral History Perspective: 8th International Conference of the Czech Oral History Association. Book of abstracts
obal (1)
Volkskunde in den Diensten des Dritten Reiches : Deutsche Forscher und Forscherinnen in der Slowakei
05221432obálka Valentín ..
Valentine’s Day in Slovakia
03171025titulná strana The Story.
The Story of Bratislava from the Beginning of 20th Century
obal 1
Seven (Jewish) Problems: Social Culture of the Jewish Community from the Perspective of Ethnology
Jewish community after the year 1945
Mýtus - „realita” - identita : socialistické metropole v zápasech o novou přítomnost a vizi šťastné budoucnosti
Talking and silence: Inter-generational communication in family