Cultural and Social Diversity in Slovakia IV. Social Changes and Adaptation
- BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra - LUTHER, Daniel (Eds.): Kultúrna a sociálna diverzita na Slovensku IV. Spoločenská zmena a adaptácia [Cultural and Social Diversity in Slovakia IV. Social Changes and Adaptation]. Banská Bystrica: Matej Bel University, Bratislava: Institute of Ethnology SAS, 2013. 148/97 pp. ISBN 978-80-88997-52-8.
The publication focuses on the processes of adaptation of individuals and groups of urban inhabitants in the period of social changes after 1989. It is the fourth volume in the series Cultural and Social Diversity in Slovakia. The contributions in this publication illustrate the differentiated society and culture that emerged in the transforming society.
The monograph was published in Slovak language with English excerpts.