PhDr. Božena Filová, CSc., Correspondent Member of the Slovak Academy of Sciences: Personality, Work and Personal Bibliography
- KILIÁNOVÁ, Gabriela – POTANČOK, Vladimír (Eds.): PhDr. Božena Filová, CSc., Correspondent Member of the Slovak Academy of Sciences: Personality, Work and Personal Bibliography. Bratislava: Ústav etnológie SAV 2017. 87 s. ISBN 978-80-970975-6-1
This publication is the continuation of the series of the personal and specialized bibliographies edited by the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology.
The introductory study written by Gabriela Kiliánová is concentrated on the personal and work life of Božena Filová (1926 – 2020), her research and results of her scientific work. It also focuses on the activity of Božena Filová as the former director of the Ethnographic Institute of the SAS (today´s Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS) in the years 1958 – 1989. The personal bibliography is divided according to the themes and areas of scientific interest of Božena Filová. It contains data on her theoretical and methodological works, articles on history of ethnography/ethnology, on Slovaks living abroad and ethnic minorities living in Slovakia, on culture and way of life of workers and cooperative farmers, on family and social relations, but also on folklore. The articles on popularization of the science and contributions of various authors on B. Filová´s life and work are also included, creating a detailed and comprehensive view on her lifetime achievements.