“In Europe, specifically in the Central European area, the phenomenon of collective identity and identification still belongs to the current and attractive topics for various domains of research on man, society and culture. In particular historical times as well as today, the complicated relations and mutual intersections between political, ethnic, national, linguistic, confessional and cultural boarders and connections, caution us to be very careful when trying to generalize.”
We and the other in the modern society

- My a tí druhí v modernej spoločnosti: konštrukcie a transformácie kolektívnych identít. Editorky: Gabriela KILIÁNOVÁ - Eva KOWALSKÁ - Eva KREKOVIČOVÁ. (Eds.) Bratislava; Veda; Historický ústav SAV; Ústav etnológie SAV, 2009. 715 s. ISBN 978-80-224-1025-0.