
Monika Vrzgulová will give a lecture titled Oral History and Holocaust Memory Research in Slovakia at Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna
On April 22, 2025, from 16:00 to 18:00, our colleague Monika Vrzgulová will give an invited lecture on Holocaust research using the oral history method at Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna. The lecture will be held online, but prior registration is required. You are all warmly invited!
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Seminar: “The Lost Generation”: Memory of the Soviet Past through the Lens of the Present
We kindly invite you to a scholarly seminar featuring Nina Natroshvili, who will present a lecture titled “The Lost Generation”: Memory of the Soviet Past through the Lens of the Present. The seminar will take place on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 1:00 PM in the conference room of IESA SAS at Klemensova 19, Bratislava.
Hackathon on Romani Chords: Interdisciplinary Collaboration on New Ethnomusicological Methods
On February 13–14, 2025, a Hackathon focusing on the phenomenon of Romani chords took place as part of the Petr Nuska’s MSCA project. The event brought together ten scientists from various fields, including linguistics, musicology, and computer science.

Our Mission

The Institute was founded in 1946 as the Ethnographic Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 1994 it was renamed to the Institute of Ethnology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and later in 2018 to the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), and, today, it is one of the leading institutions in the field of ethnological and anthropological research in Slovakia.

Our mission

Our research focus is distributed between basic, problem-oriented and applied research. We contribute to the search for scientific answers to current as well as historical social issues and challenges. We conduct the field research in Slovakia and abroad – in Central Europe and elsewhere in the world.


Conference Suburbanisation: Community, Identity, and Everydayness
The Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is pleased to invite you to the conference Suburbanisation: Community, Identity, and Everydayness, which will take place from April 28-29, 2025 in Bratislava.
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“The Lost Generation”: Memory of the Soviet Past through the Lens of the Present
We kindly invite you to a seminar where Nina Natroshvili, Erasmus+ Fellow at IESA SAS, will present her talk: “The Lost Generation”: Memory of the Soviet Past through the Lens of the Present. The seminar will take place on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at...
Mapping Carpathian intangibles. From vampires to traditional agroecological knowledge of Romanian pastoral communities
As part of the academic seminar series of our institute, we cordially invite you to a lecture by Ioana Baskerville titled "Mapping Carpathian Intangibles: From Vampires to Traditional Agroecological Knowledge of Romanian Pastoral Communities", which will...


09060922obal The Gypsy..
Annual meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society and Conference on Romani studies: Book of abstracts
book Ethical Challenges TZP
Ethical Challenges in Ethnology and Anthropology: The Case of Slovakia (Late 20th and 21st Centuries)
Lutherans in Slovakia at the Crossroads – (Not Just) Demographic Basis for Currentand Future Church
obal Škobla
Hodnotenie Národného projektu Podpora a zvyšovanie kvality terénnej sociálnej práce „NP TSP II“