Actual Projects

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Arctics as Visual Rhetoric of Transformation, Loss, and Absence
European Website on Integration
Radovan Dranga_6
To get together - Enhancement of the capacities of displaced communities from Ukraine living in Slovakia through living heritage
Social probe of Ukrainian refugees in Slovakia
Transgenerational transfer of holocaust trauma - prevention and care
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Slovak Centre of Digital Innovations (SCDI)
Exploring the Past in Peace
Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe
Slow Memory: transformative practices for times of uneven and accelerating change (SlowMemo)
Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity
Decolonising Development: Research, Teaching and Practice

Finished Projects

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Proyecto Uaxactun 2014
Ageism - a multi-national, interdisciplinary perspective
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Transformation of culture and society in Serbia and Slovakia. Contemporary processes and historical contexts
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External Evaluation of Roma secondary scholarship program
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Myths and "reality" of Central-European metropolises during the formation of (trans)national identities. Prague, Bratislava, Warsaw, Cracow, Vienna
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Project International Visegrad Fund (IVF) - Visual Encounters with Alterity
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Crimes against civilian populations during WW2: victims, witnesses, collaborators and perpetrators
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Narrative everydayness in historical – ethnological and linguistical perspective (bilateral project)
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Protection and development of folk culture heritage in Central Europe - ETNOFOLK
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Crimes against Civilian Populations during WW2: Victims, Witnesses, Collaborators and Perpetrators
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Choice of parents in the issue of childcare in the Czech and Slovak Republics
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Images of the other in ethnic caricatures (in the second half of 19th century and first half of 20th century