Actual Projects

Finished projects

Diversification as a factor of identity formation
Local and regional development in the context of European integration
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Local and regional development in the context of European integration
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Diversification as a factor of identity formation
Nationalism in Archaelogy, Ethnology and Historiography in Slovakia, and Hungary
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Traditional culture of Slovak minorities in central and southern Europe as a part of their cultural heritage
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Traditional culture of Slovak minorities in central and southern Europe as a part of their cultural heritage
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On the history and dynamics of development of traditional spiritual culture in Slovakia in the context of the contemporary postmodern European cultures
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Global processes and every day culture in Slovakia. Ethnological Perspective
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Global processes and every day culture in Slovakia. Ethnological Perspective
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 On the history and dynamics of development of traditional spiritual culture in Slovakia in the context of the contemporary postmodern European cultures
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Traditional Textile Culture of Slovakia – Connections and Parallels