Reflections on Gender Studies at an American Faith-Based Institution in the Age of Trump
- 14.11.2023
- о 13:30
V mene Vedeckej rady Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v.v.i. Vás pozývame na pozvanú prednášku zahraničnej hostky Cheri Larsen Hoeckley (Westmont College, USA). Prednáška Reflections on Gender Studies at an American Faith-Based Institution in the Age of Trump sa uskutoční 14. novembra 2023 od 13.30 v zasadačke ÚESA SAV, v. v. i. na Klemensovej 19 v Bratislave. Na podujatie sa bude možné pripojiť online prostredníctovm odkazu a hesla: (Passcode: 095397).
Krátka anotácia:
Beginning with a case study of the founding of a Gender Studies program at one small US liberal arts college with Evangelical institutional commitments, this paper will offer reflections on the challenges of sustaining that intellectual project through the era that brought Donald Trump to power. Drawing from second- and third-wave feminist theorists, the paper will also make observations on the institutional significance of sustaining the Gender Studies program and the intellectual and communal rewards for students and faculty involved in the program, especially with the rise of white patriarchal Christian nationalism in the US.
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