Transdisciplinary research on Indigenous cultural heritage in Western Siberia
- 7.2.2023
- о 13:00

V mene Vedecekej rady ÚESA SAV , v. v. i. Vás pozývame na odborný seminár nášho ústavu so zahraničným hosťom (v anglickom jazyku), ktorý sa uskutoční v utorok 7. 2. 2023 od 13.00 v priestoroch ÚESA na Klemensovej 19 v Bratislave.
Prednášajúci dr. Stephan DUDECK z Institute For Advanced Sustainability Studies v Potsdame bude prednášať online na tému
“The Khanty Bear Ceremony between Perspectivism, Extractivism, and Paternalism. Transdisciplinary research on Indigenous cultural heritage in Western Siberia”.
The presentation will introduce an ongoing research with Khanty research partners and colleagues from the arts and from linguistics on the documentation of a Khanty bear ceremony recorded in 2016. We are collaborating on producing audiovisual representations of ritual performances in order to make them available for educational purposes in the Khanty community, but also for a scientific and wider public. This will be done following cultural conventions and rules of communication and relationship building intrinsic to Khanty culture. The forms of communication, decision making, and
negotiation of social relations in the Bear ceremony itself are providing a model for us to understand Khanty ethics of interaction.
negotiation of social relations in the Bear ceremony itself are providing a model for us to understand Khanty ethics of interaction.
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