The Lost Generation”: Memory of the Soviet Past through the Lens of the Present
- 11.3.2025
- о 13:00

V mene Vedeckej rady Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v.v.i. Vás pozývame na odborný seminár, kde vystúpi Nina Natroshvili, Erasmus+ Fellow ÚESA SAV, s prezentáciou “The Lost Generation”: Memory of the Soviet Past through the Lens of the Present.
Odborný seminár bude konať v utorok 11. marca 2025 o 13.00 hod v zasadačke ÚESA SAV, v. v. i. na Klemensovej 19 v Bratislave.
My research examines how those who came of age during late socialism in the Soviet Union reimagine this past from today’s perspective. Based on fieldwork in Georgia (summer 2023), including group and individual interviews, I found that nostalgia for certain aspects of Soviet life, such as social security, cultural access, and education, stems largely from their absence in today’s reality. However, these positive recollections are outweighed by the significance of national independence and religious freedom, which were seen restricted under the Soviet regime. While socialism is now easier to critique, it is also reconsidered by them in contrast to the challenges of the present. This dynamic evaluation reflects both personal memories and shifting societal values, revealing a complex relationship between past and present.
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