Actual Projects

Finished projects

Current images of socialism
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Ethnology in the Regions. History of the Slovak Ethnology in the 20th Century an the Basis of the Research the Personalities from regional Institutions
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From technology to decoration: An ethnological perspective of the manufacturing and meaning of items
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Holidays and rituals – Their social context and functions (Slovakia, 21st century)
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Wartime Slovak State and the Holocaust in the Current Social Discourse. (An Ethnological Perspective)
obalka_press data
The application of innovative approaches in ethnology/social anthropology in Slovakia
The dimensions of revitalization of ethnic minority in Slovakia: Interdisciplinary salvage research of disappearing ethnic group of Huncokári
Intergenerational social networks in an aging city, continuity and innovation
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Label „Roma“ – emic and ethic reflections and social impact
Ritual behaviour as a stretegic tool for group identification: the social and cultural contexts of contemporary holidays in Slovakia
Family histories. Intergenerational Transfer of Representation of Political and Social Changes
Continuity and Discontinuity in Ethnological Research Regarding Intangible Cultural Heritage