Seminár Mutualistic morality explains low trust and cooperation in a Romanian Village
- 2.5.2023
- о 13:00

V mene Vedeckej rady Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v.v.i. Vás pozývame na odborný seminár, ktorý sa bude konať v utorok 2. mája 2023 o 13.00 v zasadačke ÚESA SAV na Klemensovej 19 v Bratislave. Prednáška sa bude konať v anglickom jazyku.
Na seminári vystúpi Radu Umbres z Fakulty politických vied na SNSPA v Bukurešti s prednáškou Mutualistic morality explains low trust and cooperation in a Romanian Village.
People in Sateni (NE Romania) put very little trust in their fellow villagers and the low levels of cooperation in various social interactions confirm a worldview riddled with suspicion, secrecy, and cynicism about the possibility of strong and extensive morality beyond a narrow circle composed of family, relatives, and friends. Based on my recently published book, this talk offers some causal explanations for these cultural practices and representations as observed in the domains of kinship, economics, politics, and religion.
On the background of historical and ecological factors, the analysis explores the role played by evolved psychological inclination for cooperation. Against culturalist but also group-selectionist approaches to morality, I argue that mutualistic morality can explain phenomena such as selective kin recognition, ”limited good” and familism, widespread corruption, mismanagement of commons, and religious rituals oriented towards the domestic sphere of society.
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