Odborný seminár o úlohe kolektívnych performancií a verejných rituálov v Katalánsku
- 13.11.2018
- о 13:00

Pozývame Vás na odborný seminár Ústavu etnológie sa sociálnej antropológie SAV, na ktorom vystúpi Alessandro Testa, PhD. s prezentáciou projektu The Role of Collective Performances and Public Rituals in Catalonia from the Spanish Transition to the Current
Recently, Catalonia has come into the spotlight for its attempt to secede from Spain and gain the status of an independent, Catalan Republic. This is obviously the outcome of growing nationalistic feelings among a significant part of the population. This growth is strongly connected with public rituality and religion, with identity politics, and with local forms of regionalism and nationalism, especially in the central and rural areas.
Traditional festival offered a potent resource for Catalonia’s transition to democracy in the late 1970s. Shared flexible repertoires mediated ideological difference to facilitate collective action. Festival forms have proliferated since, and the recent Catalan independence movement recruited them again to mobilize public opinion. This time, however, instead of vitalizing convivència, the performances contributed to a misrecognition of the wider political environment. What happened?
In this paper, I intend to present some of the hypotheses, considerations, and conclusions that I have been developing within, around, and about my last ethnographic research, which I have been undertaking in Solsona, central Catalonia, since October 2016. I will also discuss other examples taken from the secondary literature.
Alessandro Testa (Isernia 1983) is currently a Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of European Ethnology, University of Vienna and a Visiting Research Fellow at Comenius University in Bratislava.
He has a background in Classics (Liceo Classico), History (Bachelor), and Religious Studies (Master) and has studied at several Italian and French Universities (Universities of Florence, Rome “Sapienza”, and Messina; École Pratique des Hautes Études and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Messina.
In 2012, he was Visiting Lecturer at the University of Tallinn, and in 2014 he was for a short period Visiting Scholar at the Max Planck Institute in Halle, Germany. Between 2013 and 2015, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, where he also taught Anthropology of Religion and Anthropology of Cultural Heritage.
Alessandro Testa has so far published three books: “Miti antichi e moderne mitologie” (2010) “Il carnevale dell’uomo-animale” (2014), and “La religiosità dei Sanniti” (2016). He has also edited three monographic issues for journals, and is the author of a conspicuous number of articles, chapters in volumes, and reviews. He has furthermore presented the outcomes of his research through lectures and oral contributions at universities and for conferences in numerous countries.
His main ethnographic fieldworks have been undertaken in Central Italy (2010-2011), Czech Republic (2013-2014), and in Catalonia (2016-2018).
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