Odborný seminár Religion and allomaternal support in a cross-cultural perspective
- 12.12.2023
- о 09:00
V mene Vedeckej rady Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v.v.i. Vás pozývame na pozvanú prednášku Religion and allomaternal support in a cross-cultural perspective zahraničného hosťa Radima CHVAJA (University of Otago, NZ), ktorá sa uskutoční v utorok 12. decembra 2023 od 9.00 v zasadačke ÚESA SAV na Klemensovej 19 v Bratislave.
Na podujatie sa bude možné pripojiť aj online prostredníctvom odkazu a hesla:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84488866155?pwd=s8j2zGCQMNBKboGdPdiUikaxPP6lko.1 Passcode: 354748
Krátka anotácia prednášky
The more children people have, the less they are able to invest in each. Yet, religious families are bigger than secular families, and at the same time, children from religious families do not face a shortfall in investment compared to children from secular families. The ‘Religious Alloparenting Hypothesis’ proposes that due to multiple mechanisms religious communities harness to promote cooperation, religious parents are better able to secure child investment from others.
The presenter will introduce a project that aims to empirically evaluate this claim with detailed data from 2-3 hour-long interviews with more than 4,000 mothers from India, Bangladesh, Malawi, the Gambia, and the USA. Lists and frequencies of the support mothers were obtained and received across multiple domains such as finances, housework, emotional support, and direct investment in one or two focal children. Moreover, also a measure of religiosity for each field site sensitive to the local conditions, detailed economic standing of each mother’s household, as well as its integration into the market economy, mothers’ reproductive histories, reported health, and anthropometric data on focal children.
Secondly, the host will present two studies in progress on maternal religiosity, allomaternal support, and fertility in the Gambia and the USA.