Odborný seminár: ‘Sonic healing in Christian Roma communities’
- 28.1.2025
- о 13:00

V mene Vedeckej rady Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v.v.i. Vás pozývame na odborný seminár, kde vystúpi Dr. habil. Kinga Povedák z University of Szeged, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, s prezentáciou “Sonic healing in Christian Roma communities.”
Podujatie sa uskutoční v angličtine v utorok 28. januára 2025 od 13.00 v zasadačke ÚESA SAV na Klemensovej 19 v Bratislave. Na podujatie sa bude možné pripojiť aj online prostredníctvom odkazu TU:
Drawing on ethnographic research among Hungarian-speaking Christian Roma communities in the Gemer region, this lecture explores how believers negotiate their religious and ethnic identities through multiple sonic strategies. Examining a range of musical practices—from those that consciously minimize ethnic markers to grassroots original Roma compositions—reveals how Roma participants simultaneously challenge and reimagine social boundaries. This collective creativity functions as a form of sonic healing, addressing wounded collective identities and fostering social recognition.
By foregrounding religious musicking as a vital coping mechanism, the presentation underscores its role in reshaping marginalized Roma communities’ self-image and resisting racist stereotypes. Ultimately, the lecture posits that investigating musical epistemologies is crucial for understanding the transformative power of religious Roma music in cultivating resilience and cultural affirmation.