Konferencia 6_6


International Online Conference 'Quest: How to make digital work for, not against learning'
IESA SAS is pleased to invite you on June 6, 2024 to the international online conference 'Quest: How to make digital work for, not against learning', which focuses on the role of digital tools, educational applications, and gamification in shaping the...

Prepared Events

Archive of Events

Collaborative production of applied data on the vulnerable: practical and ethical dilemmas of an anthropologist in the service of public health
We invite you to a seminar of IESA SAS entitled “Collaborative production of applied data on the vulnerable: practical and ethical dilemmas of an anthropologist in public health services” led by our colleague Andrej Belák. The seminar will...
Rituals Between Mind and Society
November 4-5, 2021, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia The workshop is dedicated to the study of rituals and their social functions, with a special but not exclusive focus on cognitive and evolutionary approaches. We encourage empirical and theoretical papers...
Computing the Inquisition: Path towards the Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET) and the ERC Consolidator Grant
Computing the Inquisition: Path towards the Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET) and the ERC Consolidator Grant. Doc. PhDr. David Zbíral, Ph.D., vedúci Centra pre digitálny výskum náboženstva Masarykovej univerzity v Brne   This lecture presents an approach...
Memory of the Communist past
The Communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe fell 30 years ago. A variety of designs, attitudes and methodological approaches have developed which have resulted in projects that are focused on the way the “Communist past” is represented and communicated...
Methodology, Ethics, Writing and Visions in Ethnology and Social Anthropology
Informations: bratislava_conference_june_2019_0 Book of abstracts: boa_bratislava_conference_june_2019_1
Towards a World for all Ages
Interdisciplinary short talks about ageism, its impact, etiology, consequences and possible ways to prevent it COST Action IS1402 Ageism from a Multi-National, Interdisciplinary Perspective Date: June 29, 2018Venue: Štúdio L+S, Námestie 1. Mája 5, BratislavaHost: Institute...
Information matters: towards positive pathways of migrants’ integration
The conference “Information matters: positive pathways towards migrant integration” that took place at a beautiful Palffy Palace in old Bratislava has attracted many scholars and practicioners of integration for a day of lively and stimulating...
Ethnology in the 3rd Millennium: Topics, Methods, Challenges
International Conference is organised on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute of Ethnology SAS under the auspices of the European Commission Representation to the Slovak Republic (19–21 October 2016, SAS Congress Centre, Smolenice...
_MAR1883_DxO Sivackova
Mgr. Barbora Siváčková
ORCID ID: e-mail: tel.: ORCID profil SAV profil