Why only Jesus Christ can save us? Religious experience and belonging of the Evangelical Roma in the perspectives of Bulgarian and Slovakian Romani Studies
- 26.11.2024
- о 14:00

V mene Vedeckej rady Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v.v.i. Vás pozývame na odborný seminár, kde vystúpi Assoc. Prof. Magdalena SLAVKOVA, PhD. ( Inštitút etnológie a folkloristiky pri Etnografickom múzeu Bulharskej akadémie vied) s príspevkom Why only Jesus Christ can save us? Religious experience and belonging of the Evangelical Roma in the perspectives of Bulgarian and Slovakian Romani Studies. Odborný seminár bude konať v utorok 26. novembra 2024 o 14.00 hod v zasadačke ÚESA SAV, v. v. i. na Klemensovej 19 v Bratislave.
Anotácia prednášky:
The lecture presents the research achievements of scholars regarding Romani evangelists in Bulgarian and Slovak Romani studies, paying attention to the fundamental assumptions, as well as coincidences and inconsistencies that exist among scholars in both countries. Encouraging conversation about the idea of community belonging as it relates to faith in Jesus Christ and the daily religious experiences of converts, the lecture shows how Romani studies scholars respond to the empirical development of faith.
The religious mobilization based on the evangelical religion and the forms of male and female leadership among the Roma historically have been studied in detail in Bulgarian scholarship, which is a less studied focus in Romani studies in general. High achievements have been accomplished through field research in Slovak science regarding the religious path of social integration of the Roma, as well as how evangelicalism offers them various opportunities for professional mobility. The lecturer will also briefly present her new book “Conversion, Leadership and Identity of the Evangelical Roma in Bulgaria” (Brill, 2025), based on long-term ethnographic research.
Táto prednáška je výstupom projektu RELIROMA APVV-22-0389 Výskum religiozity, spirituality a non-religiozity medzi Rómami na Slovensku.
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