
Call for Papers for Slovak Ethnology Issue 3/2025
The editorial board has just announced a call for papers for the English issue 3/2025, dedicated to the theme "Suburbanisation: Community, Identity, and Everydayness." This issue will be guest-edited by Pavol Šuška from the Institute of Geography, SAS,...
Side Event Unesco
Ľubica Voľanská is co-organizing a side event at the 10th UNESCO General Assembly in Paris.
The event "Intangible Cultural Heritage in Education" will take place on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. It is the result of a collaboration between the Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to UNESCO, the Institute...
The journal Slovenský národopis/Slovak Ethnology has advanced to the second quartile (Q2) of the SJR database
Slovenský národopis/Slovak Ethnology has advanced to the second quartile (Q2) in the field of anthropology in the SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank) database, which derives bibliometric data from the SCOPUS. Being classified in Q2 means that our journal...
Prof. Elena Marushiakova and Prof. Veselin Popov will be the keynote speakers at the 6th International Conference ‘Between the Worlds: Contesting (Im)Possible Identities’ in Sofia
Our colleagues, Prof. Elena Marusiakova and Prof. Veselin Popov, will serve as keynote speakers presenting on 'Roma Civic Emancipation before WWII: National and Transnational Dimensions' on May 17, 2024, at the 6th International Conference 'Between the...
Monika Vrzgulová will speak at the conference titled "The Holocaust in Southern Slovakia (1938 - 1945)"
Our colleague Monika Vrzgulová will speak at the conference titled "The Holocaust in Southern Slovakia (1938 - 1945)." The conference, which marks the 80th anniversary of the deportations of Jewish inhabitants from the southern territory of Slovakia,...
Projekt Biodiverzita
The APVV project Species-Rich Carpathian Grasslands: Mapping, History, Drivers of Change and Conservation' has a new website!
Interdisciplinary consortia focusing on the biodiversity of grasslands and meadows from multidisciplinary perspectives, in which the anthropological aspects of research are covered by our colleagues Jaroslava Panáková and Andrej Belák, have just completed...
Peter Maňo will give a lecture on undergoing ritual suffering
Our colleague, Peter Maňo, will present an invited lecture titled 'Why do people voluntarily suffer for the gods?' at the cultural center 'Diera do sveta' in Liptovský Mikuláš. In seeking answers to these questions, he will present research findings from...
A new issue of Slovak Ethnology 1/2024 has been published
The content of the (Slovak language) issue was co-edited by guest editors Zuzana Beňušková (Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS) and Sanja Zlatanović (Institute of Political Sciences SAS) and includes articles by Slovak, Serbian, and Croatian...
IESA SAS just published the topics for doctoral studies in the academic year 2024/2025
In the year 2024/2025 two doctoral positions will be opened and potential applicants may choose from 17 topics in various areas of ethnological and socio-anthropological research.
Zuzana Beňušková will be giving a lecture on Shrovetide at the "Scientific Confectionery"
Our colleague Prof. Zuzana Beňušková will appear on March 12, 2024, at 9:00 at CVTI at an event dedicated to Shrovetide - Scientific Confectionery: Shrovetide - A World Upside Down or How the Happiest Time of the Year Changes. In the lecture, she will...
Peter Salner was a guest on the History podcast of the SME newspaper
Our colleague Peter Salner was a guest on the latest podcast of the History section of the SME newspaper titled: "Like the loyal customers, so the era. Bratislava's cafes could tell stories." The editor-in-chief of the Historical Review magazine, Jaro...
We are extending the deadline for abstract submissions to SN3/24!
The autumn issue of Slovak Ethnology, dedicated to social practices in families and narratives about the family during times of crisis, has an extended deadline. You can send your abstracts until the end of February 2024. The guest editors are Adriana...
Karanténa alebo segregacia
Andrej Belák will be a guest in the discussion Quarantine and Segregation
Our colleague Andrej Belák, along with Stano Daniel, will be guests in the discussion Quarantine and Segregation, which will take place on Monday, February 19, 2024, at 18:30 at in Bratislava. Quarantine as a protective mechanism against the...
Snímka obrazovky 2024-01-19 o 15.29
IESA SAS has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Icelandic Vigdís International Centre for Multilingualism and Intercultural Understanding
The aim of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the institutions is to support the development of science and research, application of new scientific knowledge in practice, presentation, popularization, and dissemination of scientific knowledge, as well...
IESA SAS signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Romani Communities in the Slovak Republic
IESA SAS formally solidified a long-term partnership with the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Romani Communities in the Slovak Republic. On December 21, 2023, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed, in which we declare a common interest in...
The new issue of Slovak Ethnology 4/2023 has been released
The new issue of Slovak Ethnology 4/2023 has been released in the English language. The guest editor for this issue is our colleague Katarína Popelková, and thematically, the issue focuses on Contemporary Holidays and Their Transformations.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, filled with prosperity and success! IESA SAS
UESA SAS hosted an event during the 18th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Botswana
On December 5, 2023, UESA SAS hosted a side event titled "Living heritage in emergencies – good practices in Eastern Europe" in Kasane, Botswana. The speakers at the event included Martin Andrade, Ioana Baskerville, Oleksandr Butsenko, Mariusz Lewicki,...
TZP Nocna pyramida
Tatiana Zachar Podolinská was a guest on Night Pyramid
Our director Tatiana Zachar Podolinská was a guest of Radio Slovakia Night Pyramid show on December 5, 2023. In the broadcast, she shared her field research experiences in the rainforest in Guatemala and Mexico, as well as the theme of supernatural stories...
Memorandum of cooperation in an interational project PARI
The Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS has been invited to the international project PARI, where academic institutions from Romania and Norway collaborate. The project is funded under the Norway Grants SEE/EEA scheme.
ARS 2023
8th annual international event Academy of Romani Studies – ARS 2023
IESA SAS is organizing the 8th edition of the Academy of Romani Studies - ARS 2023, which will take place on November 10, 2023. The current edition provides an opportunity for the young generation of Slovak and Czech PhD students to present their work...
Snímka obrazovky 2023-11-03 o 14.06
IESA SAS, serving as the primary coordinator, has initiated the implementation of the APVV RELIROMA project
IESA SAS, as the main coordinator, started solving the project APVV-22-0389 RELIROMA, whose main goal is to investigate and document manifestations of church and non-church religiosity among the Roma in Slovakia, including manifestations of modern and...
Monika Vrzgulová will speak at the Lessons and Legacies Europe conference
From November 6 to 9, 2023, the Lessons and Legacies Europe conference will take place in Prague. The conference provides a platform for presentations and discussions for experts in the field of Holocaust Studies from various disciplines and around the...
A new issue of Slovak Ethnology has been released
The new issue, 3/2023, is in English and focuses on the theme 'The Design Theory and Practice from the Perspective of Humanities and Social Sciences: Interdisciplinary Approaches.' The new issue consists of four academic studies and is available online.
Juraj Zajonc_DennikN_T
Juraj Zajonc provided an interview to DenníkN regarding Halloween
Our colleague, Juraj Zajonc, an expert in the study of holidays in postmodern society, delved into the origins of the modern Halloween holiday during an interview conducted on October 31, 2023, for DenníkN.
Our colleague Ľubica Voľanská participated in a workshop for UNESCO facilitators
She attended this training as part of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.
Bez názvu
Andrej Belák discussed the new publication "Postsedliaci" by Juraj Buzalka at the Košice Artforum
On October 19, 2023, our colleague Andrej Belák participated in a discussion at the Košice Artforum about the new publication "Postsedliaci" by social anthropologist Juraj Buzalka. The discussion was moderated by Saša Petrášová, and a recording of the...
00_Vizual spravy
The Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS participated in the organization of the Gypsy Lore Society World Congress in Brazil
The Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS participated in the organization of the World Congress of the Gypsy Lore Society, an international association of persons interested in Gypsy and Traveler Studies, which took place on October 3-6,...
T. Hrustič and A. Belák co-authored the publication on the impact of COVID-19 on Roma communities
Our colleagues Tomáš Hrustič and Andrej Belák co-edited the Slovak part of the publication Romani Chronicles of COVID-19. Testimonies of Harm and Resilience. The publication is edited by Paloma Gay y Blasco and Martin Fotta, published by Berghahn Books.
A new issue of the Slovak Ethnology has been published
A new issue of the Slovak Ethnology 2/2023 has just been published. The latest issue is in English and consists of four thematic papers. All texts are now available online.
UESA SAV participated in DARIAH Annual Event 2023 in Budapest
At this year's conference, DARIAH Annual Event 2023: Cultural Heritage Data as Humanities Research Data?, which took place on 7-9 June 2023 in Budapest, took part our colleagues from the UESA SAV Research Collections A. Gogora, T. Kubisa, and B. Siváčková.
The Series Roma History and Culture at Brill | Schöningh Publisher in cooperation with UESA SAV
We are pleased to announce the start of the Series Roma History and Culture at Brill | Schöningh Publisher. The Еditors of the Series are Elena Marushiakova (from UESA SAV), Vesselin Popov and Sofiya Zahova.
IESA SAV has entered the DOAB database! (Directory of Open Access Books)
IESA SAS has been registered with DOAB from 1st March 2023 as a publisher of open-access books. Open Access publications published by the institute can now be added to the international DOAB database.
Záber z filmu - hlavný protagonista filmu Marvin
The new documentary film A Happy Man, directed by Soňa G. Lutherová
The new documentary film A Happy Man directed by Soňa G. Lutherová will have a pre-premiere screening in the Czech documentaries competition at the international documentary film festival One World 22.3. – 2.4. 2023 in Prague, Czech Republic.
call (2)
Call for the special issue of Slovak Ethnology 3/2023
Call for the special issue of Slovak Ethnology/Slovenský národopis, volume 71, number 3/2023, on the topic The design theory and practice from the perspective of humanities and social sciences: Interdisciplinary approaches  Guest editors: Veronika...
The Khanty Bear Ceremony between Perspectivism, Extractivism, and Paternalism. Transdisciplinary research on Indigenous cultural heritage in Western Siberia
Call for the special issue of Slovak Ethnology 4/2023
Call for the special issue of Slovak Ethnology/Slovenský národopis, volume 71, number 4/2023, on the topic of Contemporary holidays and their transformations Until recently, ethnology and anthropology studied holidays and celebrations as a tool of maintaining...
The Book of Abstracts of the DESIRE International Conference is published
On November 3rd, 2022, the conference “Age-Friendly Environment” took place at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, coorganised also by our Institute and our colleagues, Soňa G. Lutherová and Ľubica Voľanská. The...
The Fourth Issue of Slovak Ethnology was published
logo sief
Send your paper to the SIEF 2023 conference
akademia romskych studii
Academy of Romani Studies
narodny vybor
Tomáš Hrustič has been appointed as the member of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
ocenenie Matus Hnat
Our principal graphic designer, Matúš Hnát, has been awarded a prize in the prestigious National Design Award 2022 competition
The international conference Age-friendly environment
The international project Natural Hazards
GLS 2022
The international conference of Romani studies and the Annual meeting of the members of the international association Gypsy Lore Society in Belgrade
The third issue of Slovak ethnology was published
In cooperation with national partners and under the coordination of the IESA SAV team, a series of UNESCO projects is being created to support the protection of the intangible heritage of Ukraine
The SAV award for the popularization of science
We invite you to a professional seminar entitled Socio-cultural capital of successful municipalities as a source of sustainable development of the Slovak countryside